MNBS Trust Objectives
The objectives for which MNBS Trust is established are educational, social, cultural, economic and advancement of any other charitable and developmental objects of general public utility and community welfare.

Key Objectives

- To perform educational, social, cultural and economic activities for the betterment of the society irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
- To promote the spread of Education of Vocational, Technical, Agricultural, Health and other relevant category and for this purpose establish, manage, encourage, aid, support, affiliate or incorporate schools, colleges, or such other institutions at suitable place from time to time and for the purpose promote, constitute or cause regional organization committees or sub committees wherever necessary.
- To establish the education institutions for professional and medical sciences including the Indian system of Medicines including the establishment of research Institutions both for men and animals along with hospitals.
- To promote and establish, and administer educational and vocational school or institution or college or deemed university and to run the same for educational or vocational purpose, in various places throughout India as well as outside India, subject to various permissions as required, with a motive to render service to the public and especially to economically backward students.
- To establish, maintain, and/or grant aid in cash and/or kind to schools, colleges, educational institutions, hostels, hospitals, old age homes, orphanages, youth clubs, sports clubs, libraries, child and women welfare centers and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and use of the public in general.
- To establish adult schools and colleges for promoting literacy among adults and night school and colleges to enable youngsters to learn while they earn/learn multiple life skills.
- To accept donations grants, presents and offerings, in cash or in kind from persons, association of persons, firms, companies, institutions, universities in India & abroad and to deal with the same for the purpose of achieving the objects of the trust mentioned above upon such terms and conditions as trustees may think fit and consistent with the objects of the trust.
- To provide hostels for students and grant concessions, scholarships, free-ship and other facilities and incentives for poor and deserving students.
- To grant relief during natural calamities, such as famine, flood, fire and other occasion of calamities of similar nature and to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments or persons during such relief work.
- To channel the energy of young people in rural and urban areas nationwide into constructive pursuits through social, cultural, and environmental activities.
- To associate/affiliate and render assistance and/or grant aid to other public charitable trust or institutions having objectives similar to this trust.